When Netflix was established as a mail-order movie rental company in 1997, the concept was met with skepticism by many. The idea of having a movie delivered to one's doorstep seemed unnecessary, considering the option of driving to a nearby rental store and perusing the aisles.
However, a decade later, a shift towards online streaming occurred, leading to the famous Blockbuster Video tweet. This tweet offered a complimentary one-year subscription to the three most creative answers to the question, "Why are you leaving Netflix?" Presently, Netflix continues to thrive, while Blockbuster Video is down to its final store, as detailed in the documentary The Last Blockbuster, conveniently available on Netflix.
Nonetheless, the world's most popular streaming service has encountered its fair share of controversy. Let's examine five instances when Netflix managed to infuriate a significant number of people.
A Series That Glamorizes Suicide?

In 2017, when 13 Reasons Why, a series based on the Jay Asher novel of the same name, was released, it received generally positive reviews. However, the theme of the series, which focuses on students at a high school who are faced with dealing with the aftermath of a suicide committed by one of their peers, was considered by many viewers to be too heavy.
Apart from the main plot, which centers around a girl who records a series of cassette tapes holding her classmates responsible for her decision to end her life, there are also portrayals of sexual assault, rape, and bullying that led mental health organizations to take a stance against the show. Concerns were expressed by the National Association of School Psychologists regarding the potential for the show to increase suicide rates, although this was never proven.
The decision to renew the series for 3 subsequent seasons was made by Netflix, but a disclaimer was also included at the beginning of each episode to caution viewers about the distressing content.