10 Crazy Space Ideas Which Almost Came True


Project HARP

This ugly rusty pipe could have solved the trouble with space deliveries in a fairly ecological way.
This ugly rusty pipe could have solved the trouble with space deliveries in a fairly ecological way.
No, that’s not a mythical weapon for time-control over Obama’s presidential time, but something entirely real. It’s the work of a Canadian fellow named Gerard Bull and it may have been inspired by From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne. HARP was supposed to be a huge weapon, capable of firing satellites directly into space (as long as they have no tech by Apple, because it would probably not stand the stress).
The prototype of the gun was constructed by the Americans in the jungles of Barbados and it even worked – in 1963 it fired a load 112 miles off of the surface of Earth. A record which still has not been beaten (and will probably remain like that for a while).
The shocking bit is that the US denied the opportunity of having a colossal gun, so Bull saw himself pushing his services to Saddam Hussein. The dictator liked the idea, financed smaller prototypes and was ready to build The Big Babylon – a gun more than 150 meters in length and 1 meter wide. Prior to that, though, he attacked Kuwait, which provoked Israel to send their special ops against the Iraqi weapon delivery people. That’s how Bull ended up with 5 bullets in the head and for understandable reasons – the project fell through.