Weird National Dishes Around The World
Would you act polite and try these weird national dishes?
How hungry do you have to be to try something suspiciously looking or still alive? Some unusual specialties are actually very highly respected national dishes. We saved you some time searching and gathered for you the weirdest dishes from all around the world.
Red Tree Ants, Cambodia
The dish can be served stir-fried with beef, garlic, lemongrass, and holy basil. Red ants are safe to eat, have proteins and can be very helpful for people suffering from rheumatism. It may sound crazy, but they are actually really tasty!
Cha houy teuk, Cambodia
"Cha houy teuk" is a colorful dessert made from a special seaweed jelly called "agar". You may add to it beans, rice, jackfruit, and the tropical plant "taro". That's what we call exotic taste!
BBQ with baby crocodiles, Cambodia
Among snake and kangaroo barbeque, people in Cambodia eat baby crocodiles too. Locals call this style of barbeque food "Phnom Pleung" (Hill of Fire) where everybody has a portion of their food of choice and cooks it by themselves on a burner placed at the center of the table.
Huitlacoche, Mexico
This one looks disgusting because it’s fungus on corn. Thе plant disease is also called "Mexican truffle" or "Corn Mushroom" and is a highly respected delicacy in the country. Native American tribes believed it was the "generation of life". The "vegetable" can be eaten in tacos, omelets, soups, and other dishes.
Mole de Panza, Mexico
Mole de Panza is a soup also known by other names like "Menudo", "Mondongo" or "Pancita". It is made of cow’s stomach, hominy, onions, garlic, oregano, rosemary, and special chili sauce. Mexicans swear by this traditional dish!
Worm salt, Mexico
"Sal de Gusano" is a special tequila salt made of worms or more specifically - larvae. If you order mezcal there’s a big chance to receive a small plate with this salt and an orange slice. You may not notice the difference at first, but look closer! They say that after trying the warm salt you would be enjoying better the rich alcohol taste.
Sandwiches with sprat, served with Kvass, Russia
"Бутерброды со шпротами" (sandwiches with sprat) is one of the weirdest breakfasts you can have. This can be served with Kvass - a common Slavic drink that looks like beer but is in fact almost alcohol-free. The fermented drink "Kvass" is made of rye bread and other ingredients like honey and fir twigs.
Lard & Vodka, Russia
In Russia "сало" (lard) and vodka go together like cookies and milk. The nation shows respect to this unusual dish especially during the ice-cold months where every extra fat counts for good and helps your organism. Add a little salt and enjoy.
Herring Under a Fur Coat, Russia
The salad with the unique name "селедка под шубой" can be literally translated to "herring under a fur coat". Different layers include herring, potatoes, carrots, eggs, beetroot, mayonnaise, and red onions.
Haggis, Scotland
Perhaps this sausage looks weird to you, and you’re not wrong, because "haggis" is made of sheep’s heart, lungs and liver, and heart wrapped in a stomach. All the insides of the animal are used for the preparation of this dish, it is even cooked in suet - the fat around the kidneys. You surely can’t find this dish in an American restaurant.
Deep-fried Mars Bars, Scotland
As you have probably guessed this dessert is not a national Scottish dish but it turns out that it’s really, really popular around the country. We don’t know who came up with the idea but fans of the chocolate bar swear by it.
Scottish Tablet, Scotland
Want to eat something sweet, but have no deserts in the fridge? Try looking for condensed milk + butter + sugar. Mixing them, boil them, stir them, serve them. There you have it - Scottish Tablet!
Dancing Icefish, Japan
"Shirouo no Odorigui" (dancing icefish) is not your ordinary dish. It's a shot glass full of alive transparent-looking fishes from the "ice goby" kind. The urban legends says that over 3000 years ago fisherman were catching these creatures and used them as a fast appetizer which goes perfectly with their sake.
Natto, Japan
Natto is the perfect breakfast and vitamin snack for your bones in Japan! It is made of fermented soybeans with the help of a secret ingredient - the bacterium "Grass Bacillus" found in soil.
Chirimen / Jako, Japan
Is that a bowl of sprouts? Or rice? These are dried little fish - herring, sardines, and anchovies. You can use this dish as a side dish just the way you mix everything with rice.
Maku / Witchetty grub, Australia
This is food made of moth’s larva and people say it tastes like fried or scrambled eggs with a hint of nut. You can BBQ them or eat them raw biting their body off (without the head), but keep in mind they have a sour taste.
Fairy Bread, Australia
Apparently Australians like eating sugar on bread. You can try this one at home right now or prepare it as a snack for your next birthday party. All you need is white bread, butter or margarine and tons of sprinkles.
Vegemite, Australia
You probably know about this one, but we can’t just ignore it because Vegemite is a big part of Australia’s culinary! This spread is made of yeast, veggies, and species. Its taste is slightly bitter and salty. The story of the product dates 1919 when a chemist had to cope up with a usage for breweries’ leftovers.
Smelliest Food in Vietnam: Bun Dau Mam Tom, Vietnam
Bun Dau Mam Ton is made of vermicelli noodles, shrimp paste, and fried tofu. The shrimp paste itself is mixed with oil, sugar and the small orange-like fruits "kumquat". This dish is stinkier than the so-called "smelliest food in the world" - the fruit "durian". If you’re thinking about cooking this recipe you can add to it vegetables and pork.
Blood Soup, Vietnam
Yes, it’s real, fresh blood drained from different animals - pigs, ducks or whatever the cook had that day. "Tiet canh" includes also organ meat, vegetables, peanuts, and parsley. This soup may sound scary but doesn’t taste wrong... Or "irony".
Snails in Lemon Grass, Vietnam
First, you boil the snails (with their shells), then add lemongrass, ginger and other greens. You can make this dish spicy by adding some chilli or wrap the snails with pork or chicken. Use your imagination and enjoy the exotic taste in with vitamins, proteins and iron.
Ugali, Kenya
"Ugali" is actually sticky "fufu" starch. It’s made of flour of choice (maize, millet, sorghum or cassava) which is then boiled. Attention: You should eat Ugali with your hands and steep in the veggie & meat stew.
Termites, Kenya
You won’t believe how many tourists leave Kanye saying that termites are in fact very tasty. Stir them with salt, orange zest, mango vinegar, mustard, rice and greens like leafs and celery. You can add pork or chicken for an extra taste. This food is an eco-friendly, healthy energy boost.
Bunny, Kenya
"Bunny chow" is a popular fast food and no, it’s not literally made of bunnies. The South African food is one big bread filled with curry, tomatoes, carrots, red chili, durban masala. Potatoes and meat are optional. How do you eat it? With your hands, of course!
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