Artemis - Hero Wars Dominion Era

Artemis is a marksman who provides a lot of damage to your team, even if she is often neglected due to her position and attacking skills.
She has all the stats to be a great marksman - physical attack, armor penetration, and critical hit chance. Each attack adds an additional damage bonus, which applies to her arrow showers, her smart arrows, and her blinding attacks.
You will need patience while building up as results may not be visible at lower levels.
- Deals massive damage if she stays alive to active her ultimate
- High physical attack and armor penetration stats
- Easy to get and to level-up
- Vulnerable to Helios due to her critical hits
- Low health, which might prevent her from activating her ultimate
Characteristic | Value |
Main Stat | Agility |
Attack Type | Physical |
Main Role | Marksman |
Position | Back Line |
Stone Source | Campaign |
Max Power | 190428 |
Stat | Value |
Intelligence | 2967 |
Agility | 17809 |
Strength | 2962 |
Health | 346750 |
Physical Attack | 96828 |
Magic Attack | 8901 |
Armor | 34387 |
Magic Defense | 6674 |
Armor Penetration | 54011 |
Critical Hit Chance | 11694 |
Artemis Skills

Artemis Glyph Priority

Artemis Skins Priority

Artemis Artifacts Priority

Best Artemis Teams

How to counter Artemis in Hero Wars Dominion Era?

Jorgen's 4th skill (Tainted Wounds) steals energy with each attack. Combined with Cleaver and his 1st skill (Rusty Hook), which can bring Fafnir to the frontline, Jorgen can target him with his 1st skill (Torment of Powerlessness) and stop him from gaining energy.

Ziri is the tank with one of the highest armor in the game. Her artifact weapon (Akhreb Ummi's Sting) brings additional armor to the team. She can also use her 1st skill (Focus of Hatred) to increase her armor and make the enemy team attack her first, or use her 2nd skill (Reflection of Pain) that can reflect all physical damage to the attacker.

Helios' artifact weapon brings the team a significant amount of armor. This is also buffed by his 3rd skill (Celestial Guardians), which summons 2 protecting spheres at the team's center, absorbing physical damage. His 4th skill (Flaming Retribution) activates every time his allies suffer a critical hit.

Phobos targets the enemy with the highest magic attack, which is usually Artemis, and transfers all of her energy gained. He can also paralyze the enemy with the highest magic attack and burn the energy she gains.

Arachne targets the hero with the lowest health, Artemis. Combined with Cleaver and his Rusty Hook, she can also target the nearest enemy pulled by the hook, and stun it.
Artemis Pet Priority