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Hero Wars Mobile - Fafnir Team Ideas

Learn how to utilize Fafnir in Hero Wars Mobile in the best way possible.
Main Takeaways
Fafnir is an interesting hero as he is a Way of Honor-based hero. He might be put into a Way of Honor team, but somebody suggested pairing him with K'arkh. Specifically, Kark has an ability that could work very well with Fafnir's Runic Shield ability, but only in very specific circumstances.
Heroes with an agility main stat are prioritized when selecting a target, and people are using Fafnir not just in Way of Honor teams but in other teams where there is only a single agility hero, maybe one that is a little squishy. Let's talk about some examples. Firstly, let's talk about the K'arkh example. Kark is a tank, but he is not a thick boy with a ton of health. He does have the survival factor, which can heal the hero for a fraction of the damage dealt, and he also has the Negator of Law's ability, which can block enemy physical attacks for eight seconds.
Another example where you might just use a single agility hero is with Yasmin. The thing about critical hit heroes is they're extremely weak to Helios, and we've talked about how to counter Helios using magic defense artifacts on some level. Corvus, of course, will kind of soft counter Helios, but what if you had the hero Fafnir putting his defensive buffs on Yasmin? Since it's every time Fafnir uses his basic auto-attack, he starts stacking this Runic Shield on Yasmin from the very beginning of the fight. Then, if the enemy Helios is retribution damage, Fafnir's defensive buffs will help reduce the incoming damage.
The big jump that Fafnir's damage block will help combat against is being overcome by many people in the guild using the Fafnir-Yasmin combo with a combination of various other heroes. Tristan, Galahad, and a way of progress line up have been observed, but one must be careful. Other agility heroes cannot be used; it has to be just Yasmin. Of course, Fafnir has other great abilities like armor penetration abilities, the blacksmith mastery, and an area of effect stun.
For those who started leveling up Yasmin and are noticing her getting countered a lot more at higher levels, or if one is struggling with using agility damage dealers like Car, Fafnir can be a perfect addition to the team. Instead of using alternate support heroes, one can plug in Fafnir in some specific lineups to push through enough damage to keep Yasmin as the main damage dealing hero or Dante as the main damage dealing hero.
Agility heroes like Kira can also benefit from Fafnir. Fafnir could be the hero that one levels up to counter specific lineups like Helios. For example, in a daredevil darkstar team, Fafnir can be used to keep daredevil alive against enemy Helios or to keep Artemis alive against enemy Helios.