Best Hero Wars Counters - Hero Wars Alliance

Best Hero Counters Quick List
Hero | Counters |
Aidan | Celeste, Cleaver, Cornelius, Corvus, Heidi, Jhu, Jorgen, Morrigan, Phobos |
Alvanor | Celeste, Cornelius, Corvus, Iris, Phobos, Rufus, Xesha + Lilith |
Amira | Cornelius, Isaac, Jorgen, Lilith, Phobos, Rufus, Sebastian, Xe'Sha |
Andvari | Heidi, Satori, Sebastian, Soleil |
Arachne | Andvari, Celeste, Jorgen, Nebula, Sebastian, Soleil |
Artemis | Amira, Andvari, Arachne, Astrid and Lucas, Helios, Isaac, Jorgen, Julius, Phobos, Ziri |
Astaroth | Celeste, Morrigan, Oya |
Astrid and Lucas | Aurora, Aurora, Chabba, Cleaver, Dante, Dark Star, Iris, Ishmael, K'arkh, Keira, Orion |
Aurora | Chabba, Corvus, Faceless, Rufus, Tempus |
Cascade | Corvus, Iris, Jhu, Jorgen, Xe'Sha |
Celeste | Aurora, Cornelius, Heidi, Isaac, K'arkh, Rufus |
Chabba | Celeste, Dante, Dark Star, Galahad + Ishmael, Jet, Qing Mao |
Cleaver | Andvari, Dorian, Jorgen, Lian, Martha, Peppy + Aurora |
Cornelius | Fafnir + K'arkh, Jhu, Jorgen, Keira, Sebastian |
Corvus | Dante, Dorian + Daredevil + Elmir, Faceless, Fafnir + Dorian + Keira, Ishmael, K'arkh, Qing Mao |
Dante | Arachne, Aurora, Dorian, Heidi, Helios, Jorgen, Lian, Martha, Phobos, Tempus, Ziri |
Daredevil | Amira, Corvus, Helios, Oya |
Dark Star | Celeste, Nebula, Sebastian |
Dorian | Celeste, Cleaver, Cornelius, Jhu, Jorgen |
Elmir | Dante, Helios, Helios + Dorian + Orion, Keira, Krista + Lars, Ziri |
Faceless | Andvari, Rufus, Sebastian, Soleil |
Fafnir | Amira, Cleaver + Peppy, Heidi, Jhu + Jorgen + Martha, Oya, Soleil |
Folio | Yasmine |
Fox | Jorgen, Nebula, Sebastian, Soleil, Ziri |
Galahad | Artemis, Celeste, Chabba, Dante, Faceless, Fox, Jet, Jorgen, Qing Mao, Rufus |
Ginger | Alvanor, Corvus, Jhu, Jorgen, Kayla, Lian, Luther, Orion, Yasmine |
Heidi | Cornelius, Corvus, Lian, Phobos, Tempus |
Helios | Aurora, Cleaver, Corvus, Corvus, Jorgen, Phobos, Rufus |
Iris | Amira, Aurora, Corvus, Julius, Lian, Rufus |
Isaac | Heidi, Orion + Mojo + Alvanor + Mushy + Aurora, Soleil |
Ishmael | Amira, Astrid and Lucas, Celeste, Dante, Helios, Xe'Sha, Ziri |
Jet | Amira, Celeste, Helios, Iris, Jhu, Phobos |
Jhu | Alvanor, Amira, Arachne, Celeste, Elmir, Faceless, Helios, Jorgen, Judge, Martha, Thea |
Jorgen | Martha, Nebula, Satori, Sebastian, Soleil |
Judge | Heidi, Maya, Oya, Sebastian, Soleil, Thea |
Julius | Amira, Dorian + Daredevil + Sebastian + Elmir, Heidi, Jorgen, Oya |
Kai | Andvari, Celeste, Lian, Phobos, Rufus |
K'arkh | Andvari, Arachne, Celeste, Morrigan, Mushy and Shroom, Satori, Yasmine |
Kayla | Corvus, Dark Star, Faceless, Folio, Maya, Morrigan |
Keira | Astrid and Lucas, Corvus, Helios, Jorgen, Lian, Xe'Sha |
Krista | Andvari, Cornelius, Corvus, Dorian, Iris, Jorgen, Phobos, Rufus |
Lara Croft | Alvanor, Amira, Aurora, Dante, Heidi, Helios |
Lars | Andvari, Cleaver, Dorian, Iris, Jhu, Jorgen, Phobos, Rufus |
Lian | Celeste, Corvus, Kayla, Nebula, Sebastian, Soleil |
Lilith | Isaac, Jhu, Kayla, Lian, Qing Mao, Rufus |
Luther | Cascade, Faceless, Folio, Fox, Maya |
Markus | Celeste, Chabba, Heidi, Oya |
Martha | Celeste, Cleaver, Kayla, Keira, Luther, Orion |
Maya | Andvari, Celeste, Cornelius, Fafnir, K'arkh, Phobos, Rufus |
Mojo | Cornelius, Iris, Jorgen, Lian, Phobos, Rufus, Satori, Soleil |
Morrigan | Celeste, Cornelius, Ishmael, Jhu, Phobos |
Mushy and Shroom | Celeste, Corvus, Fox, Iris, Jorgen, Phobos, Qing Mao |
Nebula | Dante, Dark Star, Heidi, Lars + Krista, Maya |
Octavia | AoE heroes, Cascade + Maya, Heidi + Nebula + Maya, Satori, Tempus |
Orion | Cornelius, Corvus, Isaac, Jorgen, Lian, Rufus, Satori |
Oya | Corvus, Iris, K'arkh + Fafnir, Satori, Yasmine, Ziri |
Peppy | Dorian, Jhu, Jorgen, Rufus, Soleil |
Phobos | Cleaver, Corvus, Jhu, Jorgen, K'arkh, Rufus, Satori, Soleil |
Qing Mao | Arachne, Celeste, Chabba, Julius, Sebastian, Ziri |
Rufus | Morrigan |
Satori | Celeste, Cornelius, Iris, Isaac, Jorgen, Nebula, Phobos, Rufus |
Sebastian | Amira, Celeste, Helios, Jorgen |
Soleil | Celeste, Iris, Kayla |
Tempus | Iris |
Thea | Celeste, Cleaver, Iris, Jhu, Jorgen |
Tristan | Dante, Jorgen, Martha, Satori |
Xe'Sha | Amira, Cornelius, Fafnir, Jorgen, Morrigan, Phobos, Rufus, Yasmine |
Yasmine | Celeste, Corvus, Faceless, Folio, Helios, Iris, Peppy + Cleaver + Xe'Sha + Faceless |
Ziri | Chabba, Orion, Yasmine |
How to counter Aidan

How to counter Amira?

Cornelius - targets high-intelligence heroes just like Amira. He can eliminate her with one hit only.

How to counter Arachne?

Sebastian can activate a shield against stun and block Arachne's ability to stun.

Nebula can remove Arachne's negative effects with Serenity skill.

Celeste can block Arachne's healing and remove negative effects.

How to counter Astaroth?

How to counter Astrid and Lucas?

How to counter Aurora?

Chabba can swallow Aurora and delay her from dodging for the team and doing magic damage with her shield to the front line.

Corvus can use his altar to destroy Aurora due to her exploding shield and AoE damage abilities.
How to counter Cleaver?

How to counter Corvus?

Faceless can push back and stun Corvus and stop him from using his altar.

How to counter Celeste?

How to counter Dante?

How to counter Fafnir?

How to counter Galahad?

How to counter Ishmael?

Helios can kill Ishmael with his spheres exploding at the front line.

Celeste can convert Ishmael's healing into magic damage.

How to counter Judge?

How to counter Julius?
High-crit teams that are targeting the front line are perfect counters to Julius.

How to counter K'arkh?

How to counter Kayla?

How to counter Keira?

How to counter Lian?

How to counter Lilith?

Isaac - he can absorb all magical damage which makes Lilith useless.

Jhu - he usually attacks the backline where Lilith is positioned.

Qing Mao - she deals damage based on the hero's health. Lilith's health is constantly increasing by 3% for each enemy damaged, which increases Qing Mao's damage and makes Lilith an easy target.
How to counter Luther?

How to counter Martha?

How to counter Morrigan?

Cornelius will target Morrigan if she's the hero with the highest intelligence in the team.

Celeste will convert Morrigan's healing into magical damage.
How to counter Mushy and Shroom?

How to counter Orion?

How to counter Octavia?

How to counter Peppy?

How to counter Phobos?

How to counter Thea?

Jhu targets the back line where Thea is positioned.

Jorgen can block energy gains for Thea, which are critical for her.
How to counter Tristan?

Phobos can stun Xe'Sha and steal her energy.

Fafnir activates a shield that can absorb all of Xe'Sha's damage.

How to counter Yasmine?

How to counter Ziri?

Chabba can swallow Ziri, preventing her from burrowing, healing, and reflecting physical attack.