5 Heads That Can Exist Without a Body


Professor Dowell, Professor Dowell's Head


First place goes to one of the first embodiments of the idea (pun-intended), maybe even the first one ever.


In 1925 Alexander Belyaev writes Professor Dowell's Head. Initially a short story, later on – a novel in which Belyaev tells the story of how he felt like when he was completely motionless in bed at a peak period of his sickness – what can a head without a body feel.

The plot is not very complicated but it brilliantly illustrates the idea. Professor Dowell and his assistant, Doctor Kern, are working on reviving the dead. Kern becomes greedy and kills Dowell, after which he revives him and uses him so he can use his knowledge.
Undoubtedly, being a head without a body would be horrible, as the above examples show. Still though, do you think it'd be worse than death? The concept is intriguing and it wouldn't be a surprise if it becomes more and more present in the genre.
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