The movie this article will tell you of has actually been talked about for a while now – the trailer came out in February. As it is the work of a debutante director and there are no famous actors, it has gone under the radar of many news sources, ours included. At the same time the movie is highly praised by everyone who saw it.
“In the twilight of the 1950s, on one fateful night in New Mexico, a young, winsome switchboard operator Fay (Sierra McCormick) and charismatic radio DJ Everett (Jake Horowitz) discover a strange audio frequency that could change their small town and the future forever. Dropped phone calls, AM radio signals, secret reels of tape forgotten in a library, switchboards, crossed patchlines and an anonymous phone call lead Fay and Everett on a scavenger hunt toward the unknown.”
The description of the plot is as unclear as the trailer itself – apparently the marketing strategy intends to retain the most interesting bits for the movie. There are those who claim that the trailer reveals too much of the plot… The idea somewhat follows one episode of The Twilight Zone (not of the current remake, but of the oldest one) and praise is simply pouring in for the fresh story and the director’s work, also acknowledging the charm of the protagonists. The few who have said they’ve been disappointed complain from slow paced action and not enough aliens but these shortcomings are visible from the trailer. Nevertheless, the movie has a 92% score in Rotten Tomatoes.
The Vast of Night has already been screened at a variety of festivals and even in some cinemas in the US but its real premier will reach us on May 29th via Amazon Prime’s streaming platform.
This content is created in partnership with SciFi.bg