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Best Use of Alvanor - Pros & Cons - Hero Wars Mobile

How to use Alvanor the best wa using different team combinations in Hero Wars Mobile.
Main Takeaways
Alvanor is a support/mage character for the Way of Nature faction. However, it doesn't mean he is only useful with nature faction only. Alvanor increases allies' magic attack with his artifact weapon. His 1st, 2nd, and 4th skills are supportive. The 1st skill slows down opponents, the 2nd skill heals allies, and the 4th skill, which is his most powerful skill, decreases the opponents' basic attack when it's active.
If you have got nature allies with him, this skill will be active all the time till Alvanor is alive in battle. Physical attackers deal most of the damage from basic attacks like Keira, Daredevil, Karkh, etc., while mages deal damage from their ultimate. Hence, Alvanor is much useful and powerful against physical teams mostly and against some mages as well. If you have Aurora and Dante with Alvanor, they will almost feel no physical damage.
Alvanor is one of the best picks for a defense team because of his skills and synergy with nature heroes like MushyandShrom, Mojo, and Darkstar, etc. He makes good synergy with Mojo, Mushy, Thea combo, or Darkstar, Jorgen, Martha, Aurora combo. Or in a team without a tank, as Alvanor protects allies with his 4th skill so they can survive without a tank against physical and mages team both. But in that case, you need to finish opponents before they use their ultimate if they are mages.
These combos are great against Ishmael team, Satori team, Keira team, Elmir team, twins team if these damage dealers are at the frontline. Or you can manage to bring opponents' damage dealers to the front line. Alvanor with his ultimate slows down nearest mean frontline opponents. If you use Faceless, Dante, or Cleaver with any of these two combos to bring their damage dealers to the front.
When not to use Alvanor, against mages team like Corvus, IrisDorian, Xe'ShaLilith,Dorian, or in some cases against Yasmine if your damage dealers have less armor. Don't use Alvanor then or you can defeat Alvanor with such combos. Because Corvus altar makes a fair deal with Alvanor AOE magic damage and kills him quickly so as Xehsa Lilith targeting the center line of opponents' team kill Alvanor very fast. If you are using other faction than nature, then you might skip building him.