Terrifying Experiments in Human History You Probably Don't Know
We present you some really scary events you probably never heard of.

Psychology is an extremely complex science that can have a lasting impact on human development and existence. Аlthough it gives birth to many discoveries that are important to our civilization it is sometimes debatable whether it works for the benefit of society.
In the next article, we will list some of the most unethical, disgusting and terrifying experiments performed on humans. It's getting dark, so if you're easily disturbed, please, stop reading.
The Monster Study with 22 Orphans
One sick mind gathered together 22 orphan children in 1939 to prove a fierce theory. The kids were put into two groups - half of them were labeled as "normal speakers" and the other half were "stutterers".
The "normal speakers" were encouraged for their vocabulary and excellent results, as the other kids were hardened for lack of progress and regularly discouraged. The results caused the following: 5 of 6 of the normal speaking kids developed speech problems and 3 of the 5 real stutterers got worse than before.
In 2007 six of the participants in the experiment were given $925,000 by the State of Iowa as compensation for their psychological scars.
Can a boy become a girl?
David Reimer was born as a boy named "Bruce", raised as a girl under the name "Brenda" and then transitioned back to a boy.
In 1965 begins the story of two babies, who were non-identical twins. Just 8 months after they were born they had to be circumcised due to a physical problem. Sadly, one of the twins, David Reimer, was botched by his doctor and his genitals were seriously affected.
After learning about the case, a famous psychologist suggested that the twin had a sex change at an early age. A surgery and hormonal therapy later, David became Brenda. From now on Brenda was raised as a girl.
Very soon the theory of the psychologist failed because Brenda kept showing interest in non-girl activities. At the age of 13, the parents revealed the truth to the kid, who quickly got reverse sex change operation and identified as a boy for now on.
Disturbed by the experiment, David's twin developed schizophrenia and died from an overdose. At age 38, after an argument with his wife, David shot himself and died at a supermarket parking lot.

QKHILLTOP was an CIA's experiment using brainwashing techniques, drugs and violence to prisoners
The CIA's experiment involved prisoners from the Korean War and used Chinese brainwashing techniques and drugs. The approach made participants question their persona and manipulating them into believing they are evil.
Once getting into the mind of the test subject, scientists start causing physical and mental harm - loss of the idea of real existence and personality. The horrifying experiment lead to a number of tragic endings and long-term mental disabilities.
The Stanford Prison Experiment
This is probably one of the most known experiments of all time and it went horribly wrong. In 1971 The U.S. Office of Naval Research funded a two-week research on the effects of prison life and the consequences of good people punished by the system.
For study purposes, 24 people were put in a fake prison in Stanford University and had to live with pre-specified role-plays of "prisoners" and "guards". Less than 36 hours into the experiment the "prisoner" Douglas Korpi started acting crazy and was set free by the organizers. Shortly after that, the "guard" Dave Eshelman showed a dark side of his mind by sadistically punishing and humiliating his subordinates.
Progressively almost all of the participants started losing their minds and on day 6, the experiment was stopped not by the lead researcher, but by his girlfriend.
The Demonic 'Father of Modern Gynecology'

One of Sims' patients, the enslaved Anarcha Westcott, got through 30 operations without anesthesia due to popular belief that black people felt no pain.
J Marion Sims as known as 'Father of Modern Gynecology' turned out to be a cold-hearted monster. He did a series of experimental surgical procedures to black women without consent or anesthesia.
One of Sims' patients was the enslaved Anarcha Westcott who had to go through hell in order to confirm some scientific claims of the doctor and beared 30 operations. Part of the motives for this barbaric encroachment were related to a common urban belief at the time which said that black people did not feel as much pain as white people.
Operation Sea-Spray

Northern California was sprayed with the bacteria Serratia marcescens for a chemical war simulation which lead to the death of many citizens.
In 1950 a bioweapon was tested in San Francisco under the secret name "Operation Sea-Spray". A special national ship sprayed the Northern California coast with the bacterium "Serratia marcescens" in order to track the spread of the bacteria in case of a worldwide biological war.
The task was easy because wherever the chemical went, it left a bright red mark. The experiment confirmed that the city can be an easy target in this worst-case war scenario. The Government was surprised that the bacteria weren't so innocent after all and people started to suffer from urinary tract infections. Some cases ended with death.
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