Top 10 Celebrities with Rumored STD Infections

In many ways, it is believed that celebrities are perceived as flawless and incapable of making mistakes. It is not commonly acknowledged that they also face similar challenges as ordinary individuals.

Problems and obstacles are a part of their lives, just like everyone else, and some of these concerns can be quite severe. Surprisingly, it has been rumored that various celebrities have been affected by significant sexual health issues.

Several sources claim that sexually transmitted diseases have been contracted by some celebrities. It might be astonishing, but some of these famous personalities, who are considered to be the most popular stars in Hollywood, are among those least expected.

To learn more about the 10 most attractive celebrities rumored to have STDs, keep reading.


Jessica Alba


Valtrex prescription refills had to be obtained on a very regular basis by the well-known actress, Jessica Alba, due to her unfortunate contraction of herpes from another prominent celebrity, Derek Jeter.