Charlize Theron Becomes an Immortal Superhero

Superheroes remain a major theme in American productions even though it’s borderline impossible for characters that are not a part of the Marvel or DC universes to make a breakthrough. After losing Daredevil and Defenders to Disney, Netflix are trying hard to recreate their success. They almost reeled in viewers with The Umbrella Academy but the series is not high-profile. The next attempt will be a movie named The Old Guard where Charlize Theron will take on the major role.
The Old Guard looks quite well for a Netflix production (in terms of budget, action and effects) and it’s odd that the project is not intended for viewing in cinemas. It is not the first time, though, for the streaming platform to invest a hefty amount of funds in a movie which is expected to become a hit. We are yet to see if these hopes will be gratified.
Charlize Theron and her “colleagues” are people who cannot die. They’ve already lived for a few centuries and they help preserve the world while hiding from it. Among the actors we will see the European actor Matthias Schoenaerts (The Danish Girl), Marvan Kenzari (Aladdin) and Chiwetel Ejiofor (Children of man, The Lion King, Maleficent). The fairly unpopular Kiki Layne, on the other hand, plays a young dame who just recently found out that she has unlocked the same gene inside of her and will join the band. The story is based on a comic book which issued 5 books in 2017.
The premier is July 10 and until then we’ll probably see more trailers from Netflix.
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