Fox - Hero Wars Dominion Era
Fox is a marksman hero in Hero Wars Dominion Era. She is often used against physical attack teams and is usually not used when the opponent team has Jorgen or heroes that have control skills.
Fox's focus is on the front line, making her a perfect pick if you want to target the enemy team tanks first. She can blind, stun, and throwback them.
Fox is not often seen in early to mid-game stages because she needs specific heroes in the team to be effective.
- Good against physical attack teams
- Control skills - blinding, knockback, stun
- Attacks the front line
- Weak against magical attack teams
- Needs specific heroes to be effective
Characteristic | Value |
Main Stat | Agility |
Attack Type | Physical |
Main Role | Marksman |
Position | Back Line |
Stone Source | Heroic Chest |
Max Power | 190207 |
Stat | Value |
Intelligence | 2748 |
Agility | 17760 |
Strength | 2889 |
Health | 389570 |
Physical Attack | 100182 |
Magic Attack | 8244 |
Armor | 34283 |
Magic Defense | 11924 |
Armor Penetration | 52911 |
Critical Hit Chance | 8187 |
Fox Skills

Fox Glyph Priority

Fox Skins Priority

Fox Artifacts Priority

Best Fox Teams

How to counter Fox in Hero Wars Dominion Era?

Jorgen can redirect all of the damage to the furthest enemy. If Fox is positioned at the furthest position she will be destroyed easily.

Ziri can absorb huge amounts of physical attack damage on the front line, which makes her a perfect counter to Fox.

Nebula can remove all negative effects with her 2nd skill, Serenity.

Khorus is also considered Fox's counter due to his ability to block control effects.
Fox Pet Priority