5 Great Musical Episodes in Fictional TV Shows


Once Upon a Time - S06E20 - The Song in Your Heart

It is shocking that Disney's fairy tale series, Once Upon a Time, had its musical episode at the end of the penultimate season (they justify this by stating that they didn't have the budget for it before, but this is Disney - they are the mecca of musicals). At that point, the show was already quite dry plotwise and in terms of potential twists, but the musical episode did really well.
The actors tried really hard to make the best of their performances, and the plot covered one of the most important moments in the whole series - Emma's wedding. Unfortunately, another enemy would try to take away the happy ending but it turns out that her parents gave her the instrument to hold the victory before she was born - a song that embodies the strongest magic - that of love.
Unfortunately, the episode is only 86th out of 156 in IMDB, probably because it focuses more on songs and dances than on something really cleverly invented, and because none of the late seasons are particularly popular. But considering the great performances and the sophisticated CGI decor, things definitely matched Disney's blockbuster heights.