7 TV Shows Which Went on for Too Long


Heroes – 5 Seasons

Heroes is borderline deserving of being in this ranking because it has exactly 5 seasons, one of which came about as a result of the "fashion" to resurrect old shows without an ending. But what a speedy fallout!


The first season is truly unique. An original comic book superhero story placed in complex and quite involved plot which will grab both your attention and your entire mind. Adult characters with real problems and impressive abilities. The fate of the world is hanging by a thread and the storyline is dynamic and tense. The show is truly deserving of its instant fame and legions of fans.

By a rather unfortunate turn of events the second season was made as if in a hurry and is way shorter – at the time when it was supposed to be produced, the scriptwriters in the US started a strike for higher pay. If it could serve as an explanation for the problems, then the third year goes to show that the authors have started coming short on ideas.

If in the case of the examples above the loss of quality comes about slowly, which allows viewers to give up on the shows, here the memory of the great episodes is still poignant and the drop is so sudden that the viewers are basically spit on and sent home.

Years later Tim Kring tried to reboot the show and released a fifth season. Most of the actors didn't even bother to return and the quality of the story didn't manage to justify its existence.