Qing Mao - Hero Wars Dominion Era

Qing Mao is a warrior hero in Hero Wars Dominion Era. She is attacking the front line and is a perfect addition to physical attack teams. Her ability to penetrate armor and deliver high critical damage makes her an excellent choice against tanky opponents.
Qing Mao has great control skills and can knock back an enemy tank with her first skill. One of her unique abilities also includes lowering the armor of the enemy team.
- She can be used in attack and defense teams
- Control skills - knockback and blind
- Low health
- Used primarily in physical attack teams
Characteristic | Value |
Main Stat | Agility |
Attack Type | Physical |
Main Role | Warrior |
Position | Back Line |
Stone Source | Outland Shop |
Max Power | 190248 |
Stat | Value |
Intelligence | 3045 |
Agility | 17294 |
Strength | 3056 |
Health | 554556 |
Physical Attack | 90074 |
Magic Attack | 9135 |
Armor | 23560 |
Magic Defense | 10706 |
Dodge | 15070 |
Armor Penetration | 37150 |
Qing Mao Skills

Qing Mao Glyph Priority

Qing Mao Skins Priority

Qing Mao Artifacts Priority

Best Qing Mao Teams

How to counter Qing Mao in Hero Wars Dominion Era?

Chabba can swallow the tank in front of Qing Mao and make her vulnerable to direct attacks.

Arachne targets the front line, stunning enemy heroes and dealing damage to them, which will slow down Qing Mao.

Sebastian can block Qing Mao's control effects.

Julius' shield absorbs damage, increases ally armor, and removes all debuffs. This makes him a great counter against Qing Mao.

Ziri is one of the tanks with the highest armor. She can also restore armor and magic defense, heal herself, and reflect 100% of Qing Mao's physical damage.
Qing Mao Pet Priority
Cain functions as a protector for Qing Mao, increasing her survivability through his patronage.